Monday, November 27, 2006

Thomas 3rd Grade Christmas Play

This is the Christmas Play Thomas 3rd grade class put on last Saturday (two days ago).

It took YouTube a while to finally put it up after the upload or I would have posted this yesterday.


PS. This is only the beginning. My camera ran out of batteries pretty quick so I had to stop recording. :(

Kelvin happy builder





These are just some nice shots of Kelvin that I wanted to share. I think he's such a handsome photogenic dude! And what a great smile! :) Posted by Picasa

Emili loses her first tooth

Here are some cute pics of Emili trying to show that she has lost her first tooth.

Her face is covered with chocolate or something.

Cutie Amy

Amy is being cute.
This pictures are from last week.
She is smiling in almost all the pictures. Isnt she adorable?

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Lena draws mountains

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Sunday, November 26, 2006

Lego Bionicle builders

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Amy all dressed up

Amy looking pretty in her new pink dress. Picture taken October 8th, 2006. Amy was three months + one week old.

Amy at 3 months video footage

Thomas and Emili, Bandits

This is a really cute shot of Thomas and Emili showing off their biking gloves and wearing bandanas. They both wanted to be photographed wearing their "costumes." Matching a pose with the gloves in picture was of vital importance! :)

This was taken October 17th, 2006. Posted by Picasa

Amy at 3 months

Believe it or not I have tried many times over the past few weeks to update this blog with some recent pics. But there has always been some technical problem that prevents it.

Hopefully these will go through this time.

This pic was taken on October 2nd 2006. Amy is 3 months old here. I will upload some more shots from around this time and up to some as recent as yesterday. Posted by Picasa