Monday, July 03, 2006

4th of July in Norway

All four kids took part in the relay races at the fourth of July celebrations this year. Lena and Emili were an inseprable team. Emili (4) had a hard time trying to carry Lena (11) during the Wheel-barrel race, so Lena carried her both ways.
Kelvin (9) and Thomas (6) won first and second place in the watermelon-eating contest! The prizes were quite generous. They both got big bags full of goodies including Bey-Blade, Legos, candy, Hubba-Bubba, Pringles, and more.
All of the children (everybody) who participated in the relay races also got a bag of treats. It was an all around great time to be had by all. We plan to attend next year as well.
The two winners stand pleased and pals waiting for their prizes after the contest was over. Posted by Picasa

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